


Vele Urbane

New Piazza d’Armi and Mercato Coperto


Ancona, Italy
Municipality of Ancona
€ 5.366.697,00
Preliminary design
Architectural design
Arx srl, Studio BRAU
Geological design
Studio Mosca
Mobility design
Tages Soc.Coop

A seaside town has in its DNA the need for an immaterial and above all lyrical relationship with the outside world, with what lies beyond the marine horizon, and consequently to establish an exchange of knowledge. Merchandise has always been an inexhaustible source of knowledge, colours and flavours. One cannot think of a port city without a market. The market, by its very nature, is the appropriation of an urban space; it is the identity of a place with a different atmosphere from everyday life, re-establishing a hierarchical order between public and private space; it is a room defined by colours, scents and light filtered by taut curtains. The project for Piazza d’Armi seeks to restart from an identity lost over time, giving back to the citizens of Ancona a new place: a place of belonging capable of accommodating all the needs of the city, creating a synergic and socially active place, capable of mending the city.



2023 – I PRIZE

ARX wins the first prize for the award of the integrated design contract, the coordination of safety in the planning phase and the implementation of the works of the new Casa Comunale in the Municipality of San Cascino in Val di Pesa, with Consorzio GST Appalti e Costruzioni.

The project involves the construction of the new municipal building in the basement of the car park called “Ex Stianti”, which will incorporate a series of services currently located in separate locations and then is an opportunity for a general reorganization of municipal activities. The building, which will occupy a building area of 1800 mq, will then be built in elevation of 3 levels, from the plan of cover of the north-east wing of the current building intended for public parking with access from viale Terracini and to the side of the retaining wall of viale Corsini. […] […]



2023 – I PRIZE

ARX wins first prize for the final and executive design of the new Casa Comunale in the Municipality of San Casciano in Val di Pesa […]