



2023 – I PRIZE

ARX wins the first prize for the award of the integrated design contract, the coordination of safety in the planning phase and the implementation of the works of the new Casa Comunale in the Municipality of San Cascino in Val di Pesa, with Consorzio GST Appalti e Costruzioni.

The project involves the construction of the new municipal building in the basement of the car park called “Ex Stianti”, which will incorporate a series of services currently located in separate locations and then is an opportunity for a general reorganization of municipal activities. The building, which will occupy a building area of 1800 mq, will then be built in elevation of 3 levels, from the plan of cover of the north-east wing of the current building intended for public parking with access from viale Terracini and to the side of the retaining wall of viale Corsini. […] […]



2023 – I PRIZE

ARX wins first prize for the final and executive design of the new Casa Comunale in the Municipality of San Casciano in Val di Pesa […]


Chianciano Terme Scuola

New first grade primary and secondary school


Chianciano Terme – Si, Italy
Municipality of Chianciano Terme
2023 – in progress
4.252,76 mq SUL
€ 7.960.388,00
I premio, PFTE, definitivo, esecutivo, CSE, DL
Architectural design
Arx srl, Peluffo&Partners architettura srl, Arch. Andrea Parisella
Structural design
Ing. Andrea PepeVallarino Engineering srl
Systems design
Ing. Federico Antonini – SOCIP srl
Fire prevention design
Ing. Federico Antonini – SOCIP srl
Geological design
Dott. Sergio Pugliese

The participation previews the demolition and reconstruction in situ of the pole omnicomprensivo of Via Dante “F. Tozzi – De Amicis” of Chianciano Terme and aims to overcome the vulnerabilities of the current building and improve the accessibility and functionality of indoor and outdoor spaces. The compositional system originates from the urban and orographic articulation of the site. The new school complex is a courtyard building on two levels above ground and a third basement. The definition of the plant, is, before the purely functional issues and related to teaching, the prerequisite to build a public space, linked to urban routes, and designed for free use by the community, in ways that do not interact with teaching. In these terms, the court represents the connecting element between the town and the difference in altitude towards the municipal stadium, at the same time becoming a new path of ascent across the orography of the town.